Friday, August 25, 2023

Some Maintenance

August 22, 2023

It’s past due but I finally got around to checking the steering head bearings.  I watched a video at Two Wheel Obsession that went through the process and it looked pretty easy so why not?

I put the bike on the lift and covered the tank and dash.  With the front wheel off the ground I moved the handlebars left and right, feeling for a detent in the center and there was none.  Perfect.

I pulled the handlebar assembly up.

Once I got down to the bearings it was pretty obvious that the grease looked brand new.

I pulled the race and the bearings, cleaned everything, and repacked with new grease.  While I couldn’t remove the lower bearings without completely removing the front end of the bike, I could see them and the grease looked like new.  I packed in new grease there too.

I reassembled everything and torqued per the book.  The first big nut is torqued to a higher value to set the bearings, backed off, and then tightened to a lower value.  

That was it.  With the recent valve check, throttle body synch, new plugs, and now this, I’m feeling ready for a long ride.

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