Friday, August 25, 2023

The Beartooth/Cooke City/Chief Joseph Loop

August 25, 2023

With summer slipping away I wanted to do this loop again before weather makes it more challenging.  I contacted the guys I’ve ridden with and they were unavailable so, of course, I went anyway.

The day started at 5:30am with a 5-mile run on the west end of town with my friend Shelley as part of My Run Billings project.  Here’s a view:

I keep a blog for that project which can be found here: My Run Billings Project

After a shower, a trip to the hot tub, and breakfast, I threw a few items, like a lunch, in the side cases of the bike and was ready to hit the road about 9:45am.  

It was pretty nice out so a t-shirt under my mesh jacket was all I needed.

I did the usual route west out of town: Grand to the Canyon Creek Battle Memorial and then south to Laurel.  From there I cruised on Hwy 212 to Red Lodge.  Traffic was pretty light and from Rockvale I just followed another motorcycle, which I think was a Kawasaki.  In Red Lodge I took a few photos.

From there it was up the Beartooth Hwy.  

I stopped along the way for these photos.

 The Vista Point, a good place to stop and get a sweatshirt on and chat with some other bikers.

This guy was dressing for fast.

I stopped on the way to the top for these photos.

I made a quick stop at the top for the usual photo opportunity.

I was glad that I had my sweatshirt on as it was a bit chilly on top. I rode down the other side:

I stopped next to a lake.

I passed the Chief Joseph Scenic Highway turn and headed to Cooke City.

Pilot Peak always makes a nice backdrop.

I went to Cooke City for gas.

I headed back the way I came but instead of going back up the pass, I turned on the Chief Joseph Scenic Highway and rode through Sunlight Basin.  Very few cars out today.  I stopped along the way and had my lunch surrounded by this scenery.

Just a few miles ahead I encountered a cattle crossing.

Another few miles ahead I encountered some construction.  The wait was short.

I got stuck behind some slow moving cars so I pulled over to give them some space.

I got to the top, Dead Indian lookout.

Here is looking down on the road I just climbed.

I found some more slow cars and pulled over again.  Time for a photo or two.

The road connects up to Hwy 120 and I traveled north through Badger Basin.  This is one long stretch of highway.  I crossed the state line and a bit later stopped in Belfry to turn off my dashcam.  It was warm and I was tempted to check out the bar but decided against it.

I made a quick stop in Bridger to adjust my earplugs.

I arrived home a bit after 5pm, after over 7 hours on the road.  Another great ride of 284.5 miles.

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