Sunday, March 27, 2022

Belfry, Red Lodge, Columbus Loop

March 27, 2022

With the great weather we are having, and with the next couple weeks dominated by other things, I figured that I’d set everything aside and get the bike out today.  I got going a bit later than I might have because a friend wanted company on an 8-mile run and that sounded like fun so I did that first.  We did that distance in 1 hour, 30 minutes.  Once showered, hot tubbed, and fed, I had a few tasks to take care before getting the bike out and hitting the road about 1pm.

I already had a full tank so headed west and took Grand out and around to Buffalo Trail which I rode into Laurel.  From there I picked up Highway 212 to Rockvale where I turned south on Highway 310.  This took me past Fromberg and into Bridger where I stopped to shed a layer out of my jacket.  It was warming up.

I saw quite a few motorcycles out, all Harleys, but traffic was really light.  Outside of Bridger I got on Highway 72 and headed for Belfry.  This is always a nice ride.  2-lanes and great scenery with ranch and farmland stretching out to the west, bordered by the Beartooth Mountains.

In Belfry I stopped before making the turn toward Red Lodge.

I turned on Highway 308 for the 15-mile ride to Red Lodge.  This is a very nice route with lots of twists and hills.  I stopped in Bearcreek for a photo.

The ride from Bearcreek to Red Lodge is great.  Very curvy road and a great scenic pull out.

I didn’t spend any time in Red Lodge but stopped for a quick photo before heading north out of town.

I took Highway 78 out of town, heading for Columbus.  This road has lots of sweeping turns and rolling hills and the Beartooth Mountains are right there.  I stopped for a photo or two:

Once I got out of the hills and into the Stillwater valley the road flattened out.  I stopped for a look at a historic marker.

The next stop was the town of Absarokee.

I crossed the Yellowstone River and entered the town of Columbus.  Rather than head for the Interstate, I took Old U.S. 10 to Park City.  I pulled over to grab some photos above the Yellowstone River.

I rode through Laurel and then through the west end of Billings for the rest of the ride.  171.4 miles today.

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