Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The drop

May 9, 2021:  

They say that it's not "if" you'll drop your motorcycle but "when."  My when was today. 

I'd taken the dolly out to the carport and the plan was to get the bike on it and see how it rolled around out there.  I blocked the front of the dolly with a board so it wouldn't move forward and all was well until I was getting the rear wheel up on it and the front of the dolly moved to the right and in a split second the bike was on its side.  Righting it myself was not an option because lifting it cause the dolly to move and I didn't have a good way to block it, plus I was next to the Triumph TR4.

When my wife got home from walking the dog, she gave me a hand and we got the bike off the dolly and righted.  The crash bars I'd put on a few days earlier just paid for themselves, however, while the left rear saddlebag was kept clear of the ground, it did come in contact with one of the 4x4 posts that supports the carport.  Ouch.

I pulled that bag and ended up using some Meguiars Scratch X to rub out most of it.  Where the corner of the post hit the bag there is a half inch nick and that will not rub out.

Some guys would have the bag repainted but I figure that, even though I am trying to keep it new looking, I have now made my first mark and can quit worrying about, as I read one guy say, it's starting to look "lived in."  Here's the before rubbing it out:

Here's the after:

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