Thursday, May 20, 2021

Carport enclosed

May 20, 2021:  

I finished enclosing my carport today.  This is where the FJR lives, along with my '76 Honda CB750 which is about halfway restored, and the parking place for my '65 Triumph TR4.  Originally the carport was open except for one end and a 3-foot chain link gate where it opens to the alley.  I put up a double gate and a 5-foot fence to close it off from the backyard a year or so ago but had put off enclosing the rest until now.

I'd built the cedar gate across the alley opening a week or two ago and, this week, finished installing a 5-foot fence on the south side.  It's a 3-4 foot drop into the neighbor's yard on that side and their chain link fence does extend up a bit but I wanted a higher enclosure, a bit more privacy, and better shade from the sun that streams in on that side.  It turned out pretty well.

Once I clear out a few more items currently in front of the FJR, I'll have room for the Triumph, the Honda, the FJR, and one more small car, probably my '59 Volvo which currently lives across the street in the garage of our rental.  That spot will likely be taken by our upcoming new arrival, a mid-2000s Ford Focus.  There is space in that other garage for the FJR as well so it might winter there too since it is completely enclosed though unheated.  The advantage is that if we have a warm day (warm for a Montana winter) and I get the urge to take it out, I could.  The alley behind the carport usually gets packed with ice/snow that stays until March.  The driveway in the other garage gets shoveled and hit by the sun so is usually clear.

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