Thursday, May 20, 2021

Seat Pad - Version 2 and a ride to Hardin

May 19, 2021:  

In a previous post I showed how I made a seat pad.  It worked well but I wanted to tweak it a bit and see if I could improve its level of comfort.  I remade the interior and used a gel pad in place of 2” foam. The bottom and top are cut from a yoga pad just like I did in the previous version and I have 1” of foam under the gel so it would be the same thickness as before.   I placed it all in the same muslin bag I had made which makes it easier to insert into the vinyl upholstery. It is mounted to the seat with straps that are connected to elastic underneath.

I took it out for a test drive by riding from Billings, MT to Hardin, MT on the old U.S. Highway 87 which was replaced by I-90. 2-lanes through farm and ranch land, curvy at times.  Hardin, the county seat of Big Horn Country, is a small town just outside the Crow Reservation and just a few miles from the Bighorn Battlefield and Custer’s infamous Last Stand, now a national monument and worth visiting should you get out this way.

I took I-90 back to Billings, about 110 miles round trip. This pad version is, I think, an improvement over the previous one. It seemed to relieve hot spots and provide a few more positions to wiggle into.

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