Friday, April 7, 2023

New Shoes

April 7, 2023

It’s been over 10,200 miles since I changed tires so it was time.  The front tire hadn’t started cupping as bad as the last one but it was wearing weird.  The rear tire looked like it had some life left but I’d rather do both at the same time so I bought a pair Michelin GT4 last fall and with the weather turning warm, it was time to get them mounted.

While I could go to the dealer and get them mounted, I’d asked around and while one friend had a good experience at the dealer, 2 suggested an independent guy and I went with him.  That’s Cyclewerkx on the Southside of Billings.  I dropped them off at 9:30am and he texted me an hour later.  $70 for mount and balance was a great deal too.

Here’s the bike suspended for the removal:

I’m using a jack that Bill gave me and backing it up with some straps hooked to some eye hooks in the overhead bean and to the crash bars.

Here are the wheels ready to back on the bike.

I’ll get them reinstalled over the next or two and hopefully take a longish ride on Monday.

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