Friday, October 28, 2022

A Ride to the Bair Family Museum

October 28, 2022

After a bit of snow last Sunday, our weather has improved and we have temperatures in the mid-50s and no precipitation so I planned to get the bike out for another ride.  I had attended an art thing at MSUB a week or two ago and they had some prints of French painting from the Bair Family Museum who has the originals.  I’ve known about the Bair Family for years since their name is attached to so many things around here due to their philanthropy but I was sketchy on the details.  I figured that their home museum in Martinsdale, about 120 miles away, would make a good destination.

I got going about 11am and after starting the bike, which I knew was very low on gas, I noticed that the gas gauge was flashing.  No problem as I am head to the gas station but as soon as I got going, the information on part of my dashboard went blank.  I got gas and when I started it up it was still blank.

I stopped and posted a query to our FJR group and continued on my way.  About 3 miles later the information reappeared.  OK, I guess this is something.

The ride to Broadview was windy.  A cross wind coming from the left.  I hoped it wasn’t going to be like this all day.

I stopped in Lavina and checked the group feedback and was told that this is a feature and what happens when the bike is very low on gas.  Well, it wasn’t THAT low as it only took 4.4 gallons in its 6.5 gallons tank, but when I had first fired up the bike it was on its side stand and the lean might have made the fuel sender think it was lower than it was.  It’s fine now.

While I was in Lavina, why not a few photos?

I turned west on Hwy 12 and headed toward Harlowton.  Now I had a strong headwind.  I checked on my dash panel where it shows me my current miles-per-gallon and I was getting in the low 30s.  I average 54 MPG so this shows what a wind will do.

I made a quick stop at the Harlowton rest area.  Snow on the mountains in the background.

It was about 30 miles to Martinsdale from here and it was a nice ride.  It goes through lots of farm land and a huge Hutterite Colorny.  I turned south on Hwy 294 and a mile and half later I arrived.

I first went through the museum to see the painting, Native American works, and some photography.  

The have quite a few C.M. Russell works.

I went out to the lobby to join the guided tour.  It was small group, me, 2 people from Helena, and the tur guide.  The guide walked us over to the house and gave us a detailed history of the family.  Once inside, she provided lots more information and explained the sources and background on the pieces there.  I won’t repeat that here but here’s an assortment of photos.

We went to the barn next.  It’s been converted to displays, restrooms, and a gift shop.

It was getting late as I’d been there over 2 hours and I had at least a 2 hour ride back home.  I headed out but stopped for a photo or two before I got back on Hwy 12.

About halfway back to Harlowton, time for a few photos.

Since I’d brought along an empty growler, I stopped at Galley’s Brewing in Harlowton for a fill.  And, what the heck, I can make time for a quick IPA.

Getting near Billings I had to stop for another picture of two.

I should mention that the wind had not abated on this return trip but it was behind me.  My miles-per-gallon increased to about 66.  I got home just after dark.  A great day.

236.8 miles

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