Sunday, August 8, 2021

Packed up

August 8, 2021

Tomorrow is departure day for a cross country ride from Billings, MT to Madawaska, Maine.  Getting that far into the northeast was a bucket list item back on my big trip of 1979 but my finances were running low so I only made it as far as Upstate New York after coming back through Canada.  Now I have the opportunity (time/motorcycle/funding) to get that item checked off the list.

I’ve spent the past couple months rounding up the odds and ends that I need for the adventure such as a new tent, tie-down straps, an air cushioned seat pad, etc. and today I started getting it all packed.  Unlike my trips 40-years ago where I had a backpack and not much else, this time I have a roomy duffle bag and the saddle bags on the bike.  I can carry quite a bit of stuff but am trying not to go overboard.

I’m taking my newly refurbished MSR backpacking stove that I bought in 1979, a new mess kit, tools (not that I’ll need them), a tire patch kit with air compressor, a lithium jump battery, rain gear, and, of course, my electronics so I can blog along the way.  I’m bringing more water than I would usually carry with 2-half gallons containers lashed to the side of the bike along with a pint-sized water bottle in my tank bag and a liter in a saddlebag.  I fitted one of the half-gallons jugs with a drinking tube that I can access without stopping.  I have my sketchbook, ink pens, and water colors and will try to use them along the way.

I’ve packed food that I have readied for easy makings: pancake mix and pasta that I dehydrated that will rehydrate quickly with a powdered cheese sauce I prepped.  I have some trail mix and I made some vegan jerky for snacking at the rest stops.

The route is sort of determined, at least as far as Pittsburgh, where I will meet up with my son and, hopefully, have him join me on his BMW on the ride eastward.  I plan to ride no slabs (freeways/interstates).  From Billings, I take Old Highway 87 to Hardin and then the frontage road to the Little Bighorn Battlefield.  From there I will ride Highway 212 almost as far as the Twin Cities.  Keeping off the freeways is a matter of safety, sanity, and wanting to see more of the countryside.  The weather looks pretty good and I’m excited about getting this adventure going.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Richard here, i am wondering why you are caring that much water? I look forward to read all your posts. I live in Sweden but 1985, I worked on a farm up in Flaxwille close to Scoby in north east corner of Montana and on my bucket list is a jurney to the Glacier and Yelowston national parks.


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