Sunday, August 1, 2021

A quick trip to Columbus, MT

August 1, 2021

Since I decided that getting a picture of my bike in front of county courthouses would make a fun bucket list, I headed out early today to grab two of them.  One is the Yellowstone County Courthouse in downtown Billings.  This is only a few miles from home and I knew that a Sunday morning would be the best time to get it because there would be little traffic there.

From there I headed to Columbus, MT to add the Stillwater County Courthouse to my collection.  I took the freeway to Park City just to remind myself what I dislike about riding the slab.  I exited in Park City and rode Old U.S. 10 the rest of the way.  It’s a nice 2-lane road with some good hills and twists, not to mention few other vehicles.

I found the courthouse but there were cars parked in front from what looked like a church service that was just letting out.  I rode around the adjoining neighborhoods a bit and when I returned the cars had left.

I headed back the way I came but stopped off at two sites just out of town for some good photo opportunities.  This one was up the first hill out of town.  Yes, it’s smokey due to the wildfires in the area.

A few miles up the road is another pull-out.  This one is above the Yellowstone River.

The remaining ride back was familiar.  I got to Park City and went under the freeway to stay on Old U.S. 10 that took me across farm and ranch lands to Laurel.  I turned north on 1st Avenue which goes through Laurel and then becomes Buffalo Trail Road.  From there it’s past the Canyon Creek Battle Memorial and into west Billings and home.

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