Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Lavina and by Roundup followed by some farkling

June 21, 2021

After an out-of-state trip by air and automobile, it was time to get back on the bike.  I decided to do a short day trip to Lavina, about 45 miles north, and then take Highway 12 to 87 near Roundup.  I'd never been on that section of road so it would be something new.

It was perfect riding weather, not too hot, and there was no wind.  The ride to Lavina was quick and uneventful and I spent some time riding up and down the streets.  It's a small place and it didn't take long before I found their church and a shady spot to park.  I got out my stool and my sketchbook and took a break.

The next stretch of road, Highway 12, which runs east and west across the entire state, to Highway 87 was about 25 miles long and nearly unoccupied.  It went past farms and ranches and while it did seem to be laid out on a section line, it had a few hills and changes of direction as it followed the Mussellshell River.  Quite a nice drive.  

Highway 87 took my south, back to Billings, and the traffic was light and the wind was nonexistent.  When I arrived in Billings Heights I went to Lake Elmo State Park and took a break.  It was beautiful out with a good breeze.  I felt like I should get home and come back with my sailboat but that will have to be another day.

A while after I got home the mail arrived and some motorcycle stuff with it.  I ordered a tank bag that I saw recommended on the forums.  I'd looked at some and the prices were $100-200 and this one, by Coleman was $33.  How good can it be for that?  It's great.  It's magnetic, has lots of pockets and the like and a rainproof cover.  Also in today's shipment were some Rok Straps and Grip Puppies.  I saw both recommended and decided to give them a try,  I think the Grip Puppies will made a big difference since my hands prefer a larger diameter grip.  With a little soapy water and compressed air they went on with no problem.

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