Monday, May 10, 2021

To Columbus

April 18, 2021:  

I took River Road to get to Laurel and Highway 212.  I headed south, which is the way to Red Lodge but instead of going there I turned on Highway 421 after Joliet and headed toward Columbus.  It's a great road that I've driven before but never on a motorcycle.  Hills and turns abound.  I hit lots of crosswinds and am reminded how much I dislike dealing with them.

About 4 miles from the bridge across the Yellowstone River, there were lots of Harleys at the side of the road and the sheriffs were controlling traffic.  I asked one of the Harley riders what was up and one of their crowd had missed a curve and ended up in the ravine alongside the road.  I kept going and, just before the bridge, I pulled over as the ambulance went by, followed by a fire truck.

I decided to take a break in town and parked on the main street and did a sketch on an old building.

The ride back was on old US 10, lots of hills and curves, into Laurel, and then the backroads into Billings.  The cross winds were dreadful.  100.9 miles.

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