Monday, May 6, 2024

2024 Trip 1 - Day 6

May 6, 2024

It was a non-riding day as I spent it with my son, Dan, his girlfriend, Krissy, and their dog, Daisy, hanging around their place in Pittsburgh.  Dan had to work (from home) and he and Krissy were both in recovery mode from running yesterday’s Pittsburgh marathon.

I did a few online chores like leaving a review about yesterday’s HipCamp stay (a good review) and making a reservation for tomorrow night at a campground in Virginia.  Dan and I also discussed the route and whether we would take all back roads or include The Slab, the distance and time being nearly the same.  We have a long day so we might opt for The Slab for a ways and that should get us to the start of Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah National Park in 4 hours riding time.  The 100 mile drive through the park shows at 3 hours and the campground is 30 miles south of that.  It will make for a long day.

The three of us took Daisy out for a walk at 10 this morning and we did a 2 mile loop.  Here’s what the neighborhood looks like.  Brick streets!

The walk took us by the new house they just bought and they should close on it when we get back from our ride.

Dan made us veggie Thai burritos for lunch which were a perfect copy for the ones we get at Rockets in Billings.

Krissy and I took Daisy out for another walk at 3 and I got to see some street repair.  Bricks!

At 5 we took Daisy to a local park for some ball retrieving.  On the way out they pointed out the baby Spotted Lantern flies that will become big, moth-like creatures before long.  They are an invasive species that have made a mess in Pittsburgh the last few years.

At the park, Daisy had lots of fun.

Afterwards she needed to recharge.

Dan made us a most excellent curry dish for dinner.

And that was the day, a very pleasant one. In the morning we’ll get the bikes loaded and head out, hopefully, about 8 am.

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