Sunday, July 2, 2023

To the Pass and Back

July 2, 2023

I did run #77 for my Run All The Streets of Billings Projects, a 5-miler around the Yellowstone Country Club.  Since it’s supposed to be warm I got headed out a little after 6am.  That run is here.  After that and fiddling around with a few other things I thought, heck, it’s really nice weather in that it’s not supposed to thunderstorm in the afternoon like it’s been doing on most days so I’m going for a ride.

Without thinking much more about it I got the bike out and just went.  It had a full tank of gas so no delays in getting going.

To took the usual route through west Billings and Buffalo Trail to Laurel.  From there it was a straight shot to Red Lodge on Hwy 212.  When I got there I was a bit hungry so I pulled in to the Town Pump and grabbed a small bag of sourdough pretzels and, with the water bottle in my tank bag, called that lunch.  I got to chat with my friend, Dani, who works there.  We took quite a few art classes together at MSUB and she’s is a great artist, particularly when it comes to large scale ceramics.

The station was pretty busy with all the pumps going and cars, trucks, and RVs parked all around it to use the store.

Downtown Red Lodge was really busy.  Lots of tourists which isn’t surprising with it being a Sunday and right before a big holiday.  I rode through town and continued on 212 up the mountains to the Vista Point.

The parking lot was packed with cars driving in circles waiting for someone to leave.  I pulled in between two cars, ate some more pretzels, took a few photos and then got on my way.

For as busy as the Vista Point and Red Lodge were, there really weren’t many cars on the road and I neither got stuck behind slow pokes or had anyone crowding me from behind.

The temperature dropped and at the state line, going into Wyoming, I pulled over and put on a long sleeve shirt and my rain liner under my mesh jacket.  That was perfect.  And, of course, a photo.

The road up was fine and there was really very little snow around except for the drifts left by the plows.   Some dash cam videos:

Up on top I took a few photos and chatted with some Harley riders.

I then rode back down. 

I stopped at Vista Point where I removed those extra layers. From there it was a non-stop ride back to Red Lodge.

I continued on to home, stopped for a fuel up and back to my driveway.  A nice, impromptu outing of 192 miles.

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