Sunday, September 4, 2022

Checking out Gebo

August 30, 2022

It was another trip to Fromberg to continue work on my art project but today, the main goals were taking a few photos on film and to check out the Gebo Cemetery.  Before Fromberg, Gebo was the going town due to the nearby Gebo coal mine.  All of that is, as far as I know, all gone now except for the Gebo Cemetery which began in 1899 and is still accepting residents today.

I stopped and took a few photos of the old garage that I sketched a while ago.  I shot pictures last Sunday afternoon on the way back from the Beartooth/Chief Joseph ride but since it was later in the day the sunlight was more to the south side of the building and I wanted it lit from the east.  I was there about 11 am and the the light was what I wanted.  I took shots using my Rolleicord VB medium format camera loaded with Ilford HP4+ film.  I took this shot with my phone as a record.

BTW, the building is for sale: $39,000.  From the sales ad:

This early 1900s building was one of the first structures in Fromberg. It has served as a blacksmith shop and an automotive shop for the community dating back to the early turn of the century. A new roof was placed on the building in 2017 to maintain the integrity of the structure. original floors and beams make this an fascinating candidate for renovation or if you are looking for a corner lot, sell off the tin and barn wood and take advantage of the location. A large concrete pad in one room with an old wood stove offers the opportunity to utilize the space for a shop or tool storage. Many areas have deteriorated flooring so proceed with extreme caution.”

Next, I rode up School St. to where it turned north and became Grandview Ave.  Not far ahead is the Gebo Road turnoff.  The pavement ends and it’s gravel rest of the to the cemetery, a bit over 1/2 mile.  The gravel is lose but at 15 mph I negotiated it just fine.  

I stopped in front of the cemetery sigh to grab some photos.

I figured being parked in the middle of the road wouldn’t be a problem but no sooner that I’d taken that second photo a truck hauling a horse trailed came up the road behind me.  I quick got on the bike and moved it out of the way, pulling off the road, just past the sign.

The gentleman in the truck stopped and we chatted a bit.  He said he leases some property out there and is on his way to repair some fencing.  He had his cattle dog with him and that for was really friendly.  I told him I’m just a tourist checking out the place and that I’ve been in town sketching up the buildings on West River Street over the past few weeks.  He pulled around the circular road and unloaded a 4x4 utility vehicle from the trailer and eventually he and the dog took off to the north.

I took a few more pictures of the bike in these surroundings before checking out the gravesites.

Through the fence and they a walk around the cemetery.

It was time to load up and head back into Fromberg to take a few photos I needed for my drawing project.

Here’s what I was shooting today.

The ride back was nice and uneventful.

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