Sunday, June 5, 2022

Red Lodge to Beartooth Hwy Closure

June 5, 2022

The weather Monday and Tuesday looks sketchy and since I’ll be out of town starting on Wednesday I had to get out for a ride today.  I took roads that are now well-traveled by me but I never get tired of the scenery.  Since I’ve taken so many pictures on this route in the past, I only stopped for a few today.

I left home about 12:30pm and took Zimmerman/32nd street to King Ave. to Shilo.  I felt something weird in the way the bike handled just as a guy honked at me to let me know that one of my side cases was open.  Yikes!!!  OK, now I remember.  I had closed it and pushed the latch down but didn’t have the key and I forgot to lock it when I took off.  The bag liner was still there but my cable lock was missing so I turned around and headed back the way I’d come.  There, about a mile back, it was in the street.  I picked it up and it suffered nothing more than a scratch or two.  Geeezzzz, was this a senior moment?

I headed on my way and took River Road toward Highway 212.  This is a nice winding road that I know quite well as I have ridden it so many times plus it’s the course of the Big Sky State Games Half Marathon and I’m the course marker and there’s not a twist nor turn that I haven’t walked, run, or biked on.  I stopped for a photo or two.

If you look closely on that bottom photo, those are the Beartooth Mountains in the distance.

I headed out on Highway 212 and cruised all the way tp Red Lodge.  The town seemed pretty quiet for a Sunday and I was surprised to only see 4-5 motorcycles partied on the main Street.  There was one bit of a surprise though.  The Mexican food joint, Mas Taco, is closed and a sign indicated that something else would open there soon.  That’s too bad as it’s one of the few places I would ever choose to eat at.  I wrote about it on this ride.
I continued through town and just as I got to the outskirts I saw the sign that indicated that Beartooth Highway was closed 12 miles ahead.  I guess it was worth it to drive that far.

Sure enough, the gate was closed.  The parking area had a half-dozen vehicles in it, obviously belonging to bicyclists by the racks on the them.  

I stopped and was backing up my bike to park it and I heard a Harley that had been behind me pull up.  I glanced over at him just as he was trying to back it up when he tumbled off it and dropped the bike.  I hopped off and joined a couple bicyclists to help him pick it up.  That’s got to be embarrassing.  No crash bars on the bike but I think his leather saddlebags helps prevent any damage.

I took a couple of photos but none of the Harley.  I wouldn’t do that to another rider.

I cruised back to Red Lodge and stopped at the Candy Emporium.  They usually have a licorice ball, hard candy that I really like but, also, they didn’t have them today but I picked up a couple handfuls of other stuff.  I’m not a big candy eater but like to have some on hand if I get the craving.

I walked back to the bike and messed with my phone a bit because my music had stopped playing.  I couldn’t figure it out.  I’ll rant about that elsewhere.  Here’s the bike parked in Red Lodge.

In that bottom photo, if you zoom in a look at that hillside in the background, you can see the concrete remains of the chromium mills.  You can learn more about them here on Atlas Obscura.

I went through Bearcreek and headed north when I got to Belfry.  When I got to Bridger, I cruised the west side of town a bit to find the other end of the runway I saw just the other day.  I did and it’s not photo-worthy.

The sky was darkening so I didn’t waste any time heading to Laurel.  I picked up a few raindrops along the way.  When I got to Laurel I pulled in to their Riverside Park and grabbed this shot of the cloud I was trying to outrun.

I grabbed the Interstate to put some distance between me and the storm.  I stopped for gas as is my habit at the end of a ride so it’s ready to go the next time.

It’s $4.49/gallon here for the regular that I run in the bike.

It was a 170-mile day.

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