Monday, February 14, 2022

A run and a ride

February 13, 2022

Considering that this time last year here in south eastern Montana we were seeing -20F overnight temps, the 59 degrees today was just another opportunity to ride the motorcycle.  

Our running club had its annual “Froze Nose” 5K biathlon today and there were no frozen noses.  I rode the FJR out to the race, donned my running gear, and did the 5K in 28:50.  Not bad considering I’ll be 70 in 3 months.  It’s a biathlon because we finish at a bowling alley and then bowl a game, a game where I am the king of the gutter ball.  You get to take one second off your run time for every pin you knock down.  My bowling score of 73 did not move me into the winner circle.  

After that event I rode the motorcycle out to Pompey’s Pillar and then did the 10-mile or so out and back on Fly Creek Road that has some nice twisties.  The road turns to gravel as it crosses into Big Horn county which is where I turn around.

I took the interstate back to Billings.  The roads were vacant as I came back into the city.  Someone said there is a football game today that may be keeping people inside.  Football vs. motorcycle ride?  No contest there for me.  87 miles today.

A quick one

February 10, 2022

I want to try getting a ride in every month of the year and with our Montana weather that is chancy.  When  the warmer winds dried out the streets I figured that today was the day to check the February box.  However, while it felt good to get out, the strong winds made riding not much fun so I only did about 20-miles, touring around the west end of the city before landing at Canyon Creek Brewing.

A winter ride

January 17, 2022

I hope to ride in every month of the year, something that is dependent on the weather and road conditions here in Montana.  As I looked ahead on the weather reports, it appeared that a warming trend was on the way so, while I was away warming myself in Arizona, things melted here and I returned to clear streets and 50-degree temperatures. 

I got the bike out and decided to head south and went to the town of Bridger, about 45 miles south of Billings.  I did put the thermal liner in my heavier jacket and used my winter gloves, but didn’t really need anything else.  The ride was smooth and uneventful and it just felt good to get out.

The last ride again

December 28, 2024 Is it really the end of December in Montana?  It sure doesn’t feel like winter but looking ahead on the weather app it app...