Sunday, July 11, 2021

Day Ride to Winnett

July 10, 2021

I'm getting close to my next oil change which is supposed to happen at 4,000-miles, and with about 230-miles to go, I decided to go for a 200-mile ride.  I looked at the map and noticed that the town of Winnett was about 100-miles away and was off on a road I'd not traveled before so the destination was set.

I headed out at 10:30am and stopped for gas on Main Street in Billings Heights.  From there it was a clear shot up Highway 87 to Roundup, about 55-miles, where I made a quick stop for a drink of water.  I continued north toward Grass Range and, about 75-miles into the ride, I stopped for a few pictures.  

This is definitely Big Sky country.

A few miles up the road I turned right on Highway 244 which told me I had 24 miles to go to get to Winnett.  Unlike Highway 87, 244 is narrower do to the lack of shoulder.  Pulling over means trying to find a gravel pull out that goes to a gate in the adjoining ranch land.  On one side of the road were a series of power poles, pretty obviously taking electricity to the upcoming town.  The road it quite straight with only a bend or two but it does have a few ups and downs.  In the downs, the vegetation is greener and I felts something hit my boots.  It took a few minutes but I realized it was grasshopper on the road that were jumping as I rode by.  It's probably going to be a job to clean those things off.

I stopped as I entered the town for a few pictures.

The town itself is very small with a population of less than 200.  It has a post office and general store but it is also the country seat of Petroleum Country so, as I've decided I need to do in the counties I visit, I grabbed a photo of my bike in front of the courthouse.

Here's a view looking west down the main street.

And looking east.

It was time to get back on the road and the return trip was back the way I came.  That might seem boring but, as I have learned a distance runner, taking the same route in the opposite direction is a new experience.

A few miles out of town, after going up a hill, I saw a pullout I'd noticed on the way in and grabbed a couple pictures.

Once I was back on the flat run of the road I stopped for a few more pictures.

A few miles ahead I turned south on Highway 87 and before long I was back in Roundup. I'd seen a sign along the way that reminded me that Roundup is in Mussellshell Country so I decided to get a photo of my bike in front of the courthouse.  It was easy to find on the main drag.

The rest of the ride was uneventful and the only downside issue is that it was pretty warm and working my way through Main Street in the Heights with all the stops due to red lights I started getting hot.  I was wearing my mesh jacket and wishing that I'd brought my cooling vest but I was home in another 5-10 minutes.

I needed about 200-miles and got that, plus 2.  A 4-hour and 5-minute ride.  A 33-miles ride and it's the oil change.

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