Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Riding to Hysham

May 25, 2021

The town of Hysham, MT is about 80 miles from Billings and is reached either on 2-lane roads or a quick trip in the Interstate-94.  I did a bit of both.  I had planned to go yesterday but the wind picked up and I decided to wait a day.  It wasn't much improved today but I went anyway.

I took I-94 to Ballantine where I decided that the back roads might me less windy.  This took me on a ride through farm and ranch lands and, I thought, would connect me with Highway 312.  It took a look at the map and a few turns and, after a ride down a nice curvy road, I found it.  By this time I was at Pompey's Pillar where I had been just last Saturday.  I knew that I needed to find the frontage road to avoid getting back in the Interstate and I missed it on first pass which gave me a chance to practice my U-turn.  I took the Custer Frontage Road to the small town of Custer, MT.  It was time for a break so after a quick tour of the town I stopped in front of the school for a photo.

From there I crossed back under I-94 and found Pease Bottom Road.  I'd driven this road a few years ago and remembered it would make a good ride on a bike and would get me to Hysham.  No sooner than turning on to it, I came across some road construction.  A crew was patching potholes and had one lane of the narrow road shut down.  The flagger waved me through just as the second flagger did a few hundred yards ahead.  When I passed him I came in for a surprise as the road was blocked by cattle.  I eased my way past them and then pulled over for a photo opportunity.

I got on my way but kept a close watch for others on this open range route.  A few miles up ahead I came to the part I remembered being so attractive with rimrocks on one side of the road and an expanse of farmland on the other.  Another stop for pictures.

A few miles ahead the name of the road changes to Myers Road and the speed limit changed from 60 to 35 mph.  This was due to the condition of the road that was one pothole after another.  It gave me a chance to practice evasive maneuvering.  When I came to the Yellowstone River I was in for a disappointment because the cool, old, riveted steel bridge that had once been there had been replaced with one of those bland crossings one sees anywhere.  Oh well.

Soon, the road improved and became one long 70 mph straightaway to Hysham.  As per my plan, I pulled into town and parked in front of the Yucca Theater.

Hysham is really small, about 300 people.  It has one main street and the defining structure is the Yucca Theater.  It was built in 1931 by David Manning, a successful business man who also served in the state legislature, and his brother Jim Manning.  It is designed in the Mission style and started showing movies as soon at it was finished and continues to do so today.  The Manning home is attached to the rear of the building and it is now part of the county museum.  I toured the interior a few years ago and was surprised to find a nice veterans memorial and a collection of First Lady (of the state) dresses on display.

Today I took a break and sat on a park bench across the street and did a sketch while I was resting.

The wind showed no signs of abating so I packed up and got ready to head back to Billings but took one last look at the downtown.

Since it looked like the wind would be coming from behind me, I decided to to take the Interstate back the 80 miles to Billings.  I set my cruise control to 75 mph, and it was a quick and uneventful ride back.

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