Monday, May 10, 2021

Oil change

May 6, 2021:  

I had made the decision to run Yamalube in the bike as long as it was in warranty.   I ordered oil online only to find out the warehouse was out of the gallon size but they sent me the 2 one-quarts I ordered.  Needing more I had to pick up 4 quarts at the dealer.  I had already ordered the gear lube for the rear and some filters so I was ready to go.  Almost.

Changing the oils on this bike is as easy as it gets.  After pulling the drain plug on the engine I determined that the factory had used a crush washer as the seal.  I'd read about what other people use and it's as hotly contested about what is best just like the discussion about what oil to use.  I ran to the dealer and picked up a couple crush washers.

The change went fine although getting the right amount of oil back in is a learning experience.  It calls for 4 liters so I put in 4 quarts and some out of the 5th quart.  There is a little window by the oil filter that shows the oil level.  I ran the bike a bit to make sure it circulated and filled the filter and saw that it needed a little more, which I gave it.  Now it looked right at the top of the line so I am done.  But I wasn't.  I kept thinking it might be overfilled so a day or so later I looked and couldn't see the top of the oil so I pulled the drain plush and let a few ounces drain out.  I ran the engine for a bit and then let it sit.  When I check, the level in the glass looked fine.

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