Monday, May 10, 2021

Got myself a dolly

May 5, 2021:  

My long term plan is to keep the bike in my carport which is on the rear of the property and opens onto an alley.  It's where my '65 Triumph TR4 lives and there is plenty of room for another motorcycle back there. (My old Honda CB750 is back there in a partial state of restoration.)

The problem is that it is only a car width plus about 4-feet wide which would make turning the bike around near impossible.  I could back the bike out but the concrete apron from the alley onto the concrete slab of the carport is uphill.  It's not a long apron, maybe 5 feet and only an 18" rise, but the Yamaha is top heavy and, well, I am not sure I could negotiate that maneuver.

The solution is to get a dolly that the bike can be parked on and then spun it around so the bike can be ridden out.  I read lots of information and recommendations online and decided on the dolly from Harbor Freight.  I picked it up, assembled it in the garage, and parked the bike on with no problem.  It moves easy enough.  Next stop is to clean out the carport and move it and the bike back there.

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