It’s been relatively warm in the 50s for a few days so much of the snow has melted. There was a lot of it, something like 18” on the ground around the house. The key is that the streets are snow and ice free and when I saw that it was going to hit 61°F I knew I had to get the bike out.
It was mid afternoon and we’d returned from a 3-mile walk/hike with the dog at Riverfront Park. It felt pretty good out so I grabbed by jacket, helmet, and gloves and rolled the bike out of its slumber. When I hit the start button it fired right up as if it had just been parked the day before rather than the 2-months it was stashed. I checked the tire pressures and both were at 38 PSI so I gave them each 4 pounds and got going. The starting mileage is shown here.
I just wanted a short one to get the feeling back and it didn’t that long. I rode out west on Rimrock Road and worked my way to the Canyon Creek Battlefield Memorial. The roads are great but there is quite a bit of loose gravel in the intersections so one has to be wary.
I stopped at the memorial for the first photo on the season.