Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Chief Joseph and the Beartooth

August 7, 2024

Between traveling (by car) and having some pretty hoy weather, I haven’t had the FJR out in many weeks.    However, with a cooling trend settling in and nothing on today’s calendar I just had to get out for a ride.

The day started with a session at Joel’s pong doing some retrieving with Bart the Dog.  It was gorgeous out.

After that I got my gear together, check the tire pressures, and headed out about 10:20am.  I made a quick stop to top off the gas and then took the Slab to Laurel where I got on 212 south.  In Rockvale I turned on 310 and made my first stop in Edgar to see if the car art display had added anything new since I vivisted last.  It had.  Some signage and a donation box.

I passed through Fromberg, Bridger, and Belfry.  Not too far south of Belfry I hit my first road construction.

That wait was only a few minutes but up ahead was another one, this time with a flagged who said that it would be at least 10 minutes.

After that delay, which was more like 15 minutes, I continued on south toward Cody and then turn on the Chief Joseph Scenic Byway.  This turn is about 90 miles from my home.  It wasn’t long before I was stopped again for road work.  At least it’s a good opportunity for some photos.

Once I got going I rode over 5-8 miles of loose gravel as this was chip sealing project.  My speed was about 20 miles per hour.

Eventually the pilot car let us go and I rode to the top which is Dead Indian Lookout.  I’ve been here before and it provides an excellent view into Sunlight Basin but today I am in a cloud.  There were a few Harleys riding together with a chase car and truck pulling a big trailer.  Visibility was low.

It wasn’t too long before the road dropped below the cloud and I was treated to some great scenery.

I stopped at Sunlight Creek Bridge that spans the Sunlight Gorge and is the highest bridge in Wyoming.

I cruise through Sunlight Basin and enjoyed the road and the scenery.  I came to the end where it intersects with the Beartooth Highway and took a few photos.

I headed up the Beartooth Highway and made a few stops for photos.

When I was pulling out of that last stop another rider asked me about the weather on the Chief Joseph.  I told him about the fog and he said it’s the same on Beartooth Pass.  He also mentioned that there was bad accident on the other side and not to look.

I continued on and, sure enough, the clouds soon surrounded me.

When I got to the top, Beartooth Pass, it was pretty thick.  I was riding very slowly, watching out for rock, animals, and other vehicles.

Just before the Montana state line I passed the scene of that accident.  It was foggy and I didn’t want to take my eyes off the road but I saw a wrecked motorcycle pushed off the shoulder.  A bit further on the fog stated to left at the same time that it started to rain.  I stopped at Vista Point for a quick photo and then continued on to Red Lodge.  As i left that spot I got a bit of hail mixed with the rain.

I stopped gas in Red Ledge and also dried off my visor and my glasses.  

Just outside of town the rain stopped.  I set the cruise on the bike and had an uneventful ride back to Billings.

So, I had warm and cold, wet and dry, good visibility and pea soup.  All in all it was a great ride.

253.5 miles.

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