Tuesday, March 19, 2024

A Ride to Rapelje

March 19, 2024

When an early spring brings good weather to Montana we have to get out and ride when we can.  I’d plan to go yesterday but it was really windy and today turned out to be a much better option.  I started the day with a 7-1/2 mile run for my Run All the Streets of Billings project.  That run is documented here.  After a shower and lunch, I got the FJR out and headed west.  The first stop was the gas station.

I did the usual Billings exit by heading west on Grand to its end, drop down to Lipp road, and then Buffalo Trail to Laurel.  From there I road to Park City where I pulled over to put on my lighter gloves.  When I went under the freeway (in the background) there were a half dozen Highway Patrol and sheriff cars there with their lights flashing.  Something was up but I have no idea what it was.

I passed through Columbus and picked up Hwy 306 and road that north toward Rapelje.  I stopped for photos along the way.

I got to Rapelje and my rip counter indicated I’d ridden 73 miles.  I took a few photos before heading back.  I plan to come back here with my medium format film camera and my sketchbook and do some imaging of those grain elevators.

I headed back south on Hwy 306.  There is a shorter route back to Billings by riding to Molt but the road isn’t paved.  I stopped for some photos on my way south.

In Columbia I grabbed the Slab and rode it back to Billings.  I’d really rather not do the freeway but it’s good practice.  I gassed up before I put the bike away.

And here’s the route.  It was about 150 miles, out and back.

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