Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Last Ride Wasn’t the Last Ride of the Year

December 6, 2023

When I put the bike away a few weeks ago I thought that might be it for riding in 2023 but we had a change in the weather and with dry conditions and temperature in the mid-50s, I just had to get the bike off the battery tender and out from where I store it for the winter.  Part of the need is that I always sleep better on the night after a ride and last night’s insomnia was a real drag.

I had some choices of where to ride and I wanted to head west so I wouldn’t be riding into the sun on the way back so I did a loop I’ve done many time before: Laurel, Park City, Columbus, Joliet, Laurel, and back.

There was a bit of a crosswind at times but otherwise it was extremely pleasant.  I had my riding pants on over my Levi’s and my cold weather jacket with its liner over a long sleeve t-shirt and a sweatshirt.  With my cold weather gauntlet gloves I never felt uncomfortable.

Some photos from along the way.  These two are west of Laurel, not too far from Park City.

Just before coming into Columbus there is a nice pull-off with a view of the Yellowstone Rive and the Beartooth Mountains.

These next four are from Hwy 421 between Columbus and Joliet.

It took about 2 hours to do the 101 miles.  I topped the tank up with non-alcohol gas and put it back in winter storage, however, the weather next week looks pretty promising.  ;-)

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