Wednesday, December 20, 2023

And yet another Last Ride of the season

December 20, 2023

I am not sure when winter will arrive here but if it’s going to be 55°F on the day before the winter solstice, I’m going out for a ride.  It was a busy day but I squeezed in a two-hour ride to Lavina and back.  It was beautiful with no wind and with my good gear on, I never felt a chill.

I pulled over in Broadview for photos with the grain elevators.

Up on top of 6th street in Broadview, I had a nice view of the Big Snowies.

Between Broadview and Lavina on Hwy 3.

There is a solar farm in Lavina.

I turned around at Hwy 12 and headed back but stopped in Lavina at the Adams Hotel for this photo.

On Hwy 3 about mile marker 37, the Big Snowies again.

I turned on Shorey Road so that the ride wouldn’t be a pure out and back and stopped for this photo, looking west.

97.4 miles in December.  What a great afternoon.

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